Youth labour market transitions; This entail mapping and understanding the available initiatives that address the challenge, their nature and scale of operation, possibilities and feasibility (operational and financial) in terms of scaling up, review policy gaps and investigate institutionalization of these interventions
Empirical understanding of youth labour market transitions and pathways- research.
Mapping the youth labour market transition delivery sector - research;
Investigate institutional and financing models (country business case for accelerated inclusive youth employment) – research and engagements
Host multi-stakeholder leadership conference to mobilise, align and accelerate efforts to drive inclusive youth employment in support of the implementation of the NDP
Mobilise and align stakeholders so as to focus and co-ordinate efforts and investment in support of the NDP
A report on Youth Labour Market Transitions has been finalised and circulated to Commissioners.
Draft report was presented at the Presidential Working Group on Youth in August 2017, comments received and incorporated into the final report
Knowledge sharing platforms created to share and generate knowledge to support evidence based planning and policy on matters related to youth transitions in particular; 2 conferences and knowledge sharing exchanges held